CJP Innovation Insurance

Protecting your company’s investment in innovation

The top 10 Nasdaq companies averaged a 30% or more increase in R&D spending in 24 months. Seven of these companies spend over 10% of their annual revenue on R&D. Research & Development is where most trade secrets live, although unlike patents, trade secrets can include business processes and strategic information created elsewhere in the company as well. Trillions of dollars in valuable intangible assets remain uninsured today and most companies cannot adequately explain how they protect them. The new SEC Cybersecurity Disclosure Rule requires that publicly traded companies address this risk in their public filings.

CJP Innovation Insurance solution provides:

  • Money to pay for a pre-selected panel of experts to help your company respond to suspected theft of trade secrets

  • Reimburses the expenses incurred for R&D and product development of a covered Trade Secret Asset

  • Insured will receive a security assessment and legal review around trade secret risk management protocols and a one hour Trade Secrets 101 webinar training video.

  • Insured will receive a trade secret identification and identification primer.